In praise of the forest: Astral Flowers “Floresta”

– These prayers are calling the forces of light, praising nature. The subjects on the album Floresta are deep, but with an uplifting energy, Txai Fernando and Bastiaan Kamãvena say.
Together they form the duo Astral Flowers, and finally the long awaited third installation of their album trilogy is here. All albums were recorded some years ago, within a few weeks.
New Paradigm was released in 2018 and laid down the foundation of this musical project. While the following Cantos das Profundezas (2020) took a dive into the oceanic depths of our being, Floresta could be considered a gentler and lighter listening experience.
– It’s more open and wide, bringing in the colorful energy of the forest, Bastiaan states.
Both he and Fernando share deep bonds to the Brazilian side of the Amazon forest.
Although not all the songs on the album are straight up hymns, they are all in Portuguese, and have a connection to the Santo Daime tradition as well as its Amazonian indigenous roots and some other branches.
– Brazil is a very open country, diverse in culture and nature. All the colors of the rainbow are welcome and honored, says Fernando.
– I have always felt strongly that the alliance is the path. To meet each other, respectfully and carefully bringing our prayers together.
Astral Flowers are, as their song titles suggest, warriors of peace and messengers of love. They like to see their songs as flowers from the astral realm, but the band name could also be related to them as the ones who flow.
And the force of the forest keeps flowing through their music.
Viva Floresta!
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