We are soooo happy to announce Curawaka will release new music next week. This is a moment we have been looking forward to for a long long time here at the label. ‘Shamboriri’ is released on February 4th and is the first single from ‘Dreamtime’. Curawaka’s second full-length album is due for release in the summer!
Read the full press release:
Following the success of their debut album ‘Call Of The Wild’ (2018), Curawaka return with ‘Shamboriri’, the first single from their upcoming album, ‘Dreamtime’, on Nixi Music. “‘Shamboriri’ is the dream of bringing a thousand songs together, for humanity to return to its essence, the goodness. To simply be in harmony with nature, be respectful of our planet that gives us everything, and pass on this legacy, simple yet profound, to our children and grandchildren. That is how we can protect the miracle of life.» The song is written by Anna Bariyani and Alberto Arroyo, with Spanish lyrics. It features an appearance by highly respected medicine man Eusebio López Muwieri Xaure from the indigenous Wixarika people of Mexico. He sings a ‘canto del marakame’ - a powerful and sacred medicine song, which calls in the spirits of the desert Wirikuta in order to hear and support the song ́s message. The Wixarika culture is represented throughout the song by the traditional instruments of canari and a Wixarika violin, also played by Eusebio López Muwieri Xaure. Curawaka was born in Brazil in 2013, but it was in 2015 that the band really took shape, when founder Anna Bariyani met folk musician Tavo Vazquez from Argentina and they
recorded the band's first EP. They were soon joined by Mexican folk musician Alberto Arroyo, who completed the central trio of the band. Their debut album, ‘Call Of The Wild’, produced by Txai Fernando and released in 2018 on Nixi Music, launched Curawaka into wider public awareness. With hits including ‘Noku Mana’, ‘Cuñaq’, ‘Te Nande’ and ‘He Yama Yo’, all of which are based on indigenous traditional songs, they have reached the hearts of not only global underground earth warriors, but also the larger scene of alternative music, especially fans of folk and world music. In 2021 alone ‘Call Of The Wild’ received over 10 million plays on Spotify and YouTube, and numbers are constantly rising. Curawaka has since its beginning been rooted in an idealism, coming out of their love of the natural world and their long alliance and relation with indigenous tribes from all over the world. They hold a message at their core - a prayer - which touches upon environmental, political and spiritual themes. Without ever focusing on any specific ideology, the message forged in Curawaka’s music somehow echoes the nerve of the protest song movement of the 60’s, but with an optimism and sense of hope that seeds authentic inspiration and a deep sense of connection and well-being in the listener. Aside from their musical endeavors, they are passionately involved in activism concerning environmentalism and indigenous rights, and often use their musical platform to raise environmental awareness and support indigenous projects.
Often associated with the term medicine music or new world music, Curawaka reflects a larger movement of collective healing, in which a growing number of individuals, from all social backgrounds, seek a deeper meaning than what modern culture tends to offer. Curawaka hold the prayer of unity between all peoples, in order to defend and protect the natural world as the very sacred foundation of all life. Their musical craftsmanship, often united with significant voices from respected indigenous communities, creates a unique sense of purpose and authenticity in their art, an important and beautiful offering to a world in great turbulence. “Shamboriri sings of the hope and prayer that humanity will wake up from the long confused state of polluting itself and its world. That we will return to our original human condition, that of clarity, kindness and compassion, of responsibility to our coming generations and balance with ourselves and the world we belong to. That we find back to the unity between all of us, that we remember our essence and that we through the guidance of our ancestors manage to relate to each other as family again. We remember who we are when we reconnect to the things that have always fascinated humans: the Sun and the Moon, the fire and the water, as well as the purpose of our own existence and our belonging to life and death. Here is where find the answer, and our redemption: in the timeless memories of our hearts. This is the story of Shamboriri.”
Curawaka - www.curawaka.com